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Hot August Nights Tour

The date is set!

Graeme Stevenson and his camera expert, Sophia, from his art film company, "Put Colour in Your Life" in Australia will be arriving at my studio on September 7th.

This is their first east coast tour and it's billed as the Hot August Nights Tour although it's been extended into September as I will be in France teaching a workshop until September 5th. They were so gracious and willing to "circle around my schedule" as Graeme put it, so that it would be possible for them to come to me. I am very thrilled about that!

If you click on the link you will see the other artists who are being filmed on this tour. Their website addresses are there so you can see their work. It is a very accomplished group of artists.

CIYL is currently being broadcast to millions of people on TV stations and online networks throughout the world. The TV Show airs on stations in at least thirteen countries including the UK, US, Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific Islands, Canada, Ireland, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Spain and Switzerland too! "We are reaching hundreds of thousands of subscribers on social networking platforms across the internet and we have tens of millions of views on YouTube alone. CIYL is going to Hong Kong in October. The audience for our featured artists is growing exponentially".

Graeme Stevenson started his local TV show "Colour In Your Life" in 2011 after witnessing the effects the Global Financial Crisis had on the art world.

"Galleries were closing all over the place and at the same time the internet was getting more powerful."

He had no idea it would lead him to travel the globe, be in front of over 100 million viewers worldwide and to receive an Order of Australia Medal in 2017."

Art and what it does for our society is incredibly important to the spirit and souls of all that see it," Graeme Stevenson.

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