Together - We Made a Difference
For two weeks in March, my efforts were focused on raising money for the children's hunger program, known as Backpack. Every Friday,...
Art and Hunger
"Food insecurity". Really? Could we just speak plainly and call it what it is? Something happened to me at the Farmer's Market the other...
How Would YOU Feel?
I hope and pray this never happens, but for the moment, Imagine you are in bed in a hospital, nursing home, or rehabilitation facility. ...
In Wildness Lies the Preservation of the World
Commemorating the retirement of Jensen Bissell, Director of Baxter State Park On left, Aaron Megquier, Director of Friends of Baxter...
What Do YOU Want in 2018?
Evelyn Dunphy Artist, Activist, Educator my words for the year What Do People Want to See in 2018? Images of "Silence and Solitude"....
My Wilderness Camp
From my second year of painting, I've gone to Katahdin Lake Wilderness Camps. It's a 3.3 miles hike from the trail head to the camps. The...
Imagine being called "First Lady of Katahdin"
StartFragmentI was taken aback the other day when my email served up a link to a post about me written by community builder/business...